Can I talk to existing clients to verify BSM’s achievements?
Yes. We are more than pleased for you to have contact with our existing clients.
Some due diligence, which includes checking references, will help you make an informed decision.
For more information please contact your BSM representative
Do I need to load any software onto my computer system?
No. BSM is a web based tool. So there is no need to load anything onto your existing system.
All that is required is high speed internet that will provide you with 24 / 7 secured access to your international supply chain, historical data, documentation and reporting.
Is it expensive?
No. BSM solution’s are very cost effective and we can provide ROI modelling if requested. Historically we know our solution is cost neutral due to elimination of 3rd party costs and productivity improvements.
Will I need to maintain two sets of data?
No. BSM will receive and / or push data back into your operating system so you no longer have to keep repeatedly entering the same data (container number, seal numbers, shipping information etc)
What are some of the features & benefits can I expect from a BSM solution?
- In the Cloud
- Low Cost Implementation
- No Systems Infrastructure Requirements other than Access to High Speed Internet
- Interface Capabilities with Current ERP Systems
- Buyer, Seller and Mover Profile Management
- Sales and Purchase Contract Creation, Management and Reconciliation
- Shipment Management – Planning & Execution
- Carrier Booking Automation
- Vessel Schedule Updates & Cartage Cut Off updates (from ports)
- Automated Communications – Interactive Reporting Tools with Suppliers, Packers, Transport Companies and Inspection Partners
- Automated Commercial Documentation – 90% Automated (for export) and Upload 3rd Party Documents
- Compliance Management – DAFF – EXDOC, EDN’s, E- CERTS, PRA’s, Banks
- Real Time Container Status Reporting for Wharf Delivery & Vessel Loading (from ports)
- Partner Rates & Tender Management
- Client Reporting with Real Time Shipment Status Updates
- Cost Reporting
- Competitive Edge in an Environment Where International Logistics Skills are Critical

What Differentiates a BSM Solution from a Traditional Solution?
First ask yourself what objectives you wish to achieve?
How do you communicate with your suppliers and agents? How do you optimise the flow and interpretation of data between your supplier, buyers and logistics partners and how can they provide this function? How can they assist you increase your productivity & 100% real time independent visibility? Can they assist with your internal head count, associated costs and skill sets? Can they provide via the push of a button 24/7 status on 100% of open orders and contracts with direct links to cash flow impact? How do they provide the ability to adjust your supply chain platform to immediately re-align to market changes and trade lane variations? What is their process (not just a strategy) to provide a reduction in your costs and overheads (not merely freight rates)? How will they source and supply independent benchmarking and KPI management across your entire international supply chain? What process will they deliver to you to create real time inhouse workflow reports and exception reporting?
Now ask your provider how will they deliver these within a fixed frame & how can you easily & independently benchmark their actual performance against these objectives. Then ask BSM the same questions and allow us to demonstrate exactly how we do this today for our existing clients.
What incentives are there for a traditional supply chain partner to reduce your costs and overheads?
There is a direct link between your costs and their margins. BSM has no such link, our goal is simple. To increase your control and productivity whilst reducing your costs and overheads.
The BSM cloud based solution is more effective, more nimble than the traditional solutions provided by international forwarders as BSM solutions automate information management, visibility and control. We do this through the integration of information from related parties eliminating costly data re processing removing lost time of operators making phone calls and emails chasing shipping updates and documentation.
The BSM process reduces the requirement for manual data entry and as a result delivers greater levels of accuracy, visibility and related productivity.
Further information on BSM can be accessed by calling +61 2 9238 2007 or email

How does it potentially benefit my company and my competition?
- reduced red tape
- expedited border clearance, processing and release of shipments
- greater certainty, reduced interventions, and where inspections are required, Trusted Traders will receive priority service
- deferred GST
- streamlined reporting
- priority access to trade services such as trade advice rulings and applications
- enhanced client service through the provision of a dedicated point of contact.
Take the opportunity of ‘self assessment’?
With the current evolution of the TTP pilot scheme BSM Global is working closely with the governing body plus companies working through the pilot phase.
Further information on how BSM can assist you with TTP please call +61 2 9238 2007 or email

1. ROI. The right fit of systems, automation and processes
By comparing your ROI for automation of your supply chain to current volume hungry processes may suddenly allow a systems implementation to become tangible. The wrong system can create inefficiencies and not allow you to maximise your ROI due to inefficient product flow, operator time wasting and data duplication processes ultimately impacting you supply chain costs and customer service levels.
2. Optimise supply chain processes and systems
It is a simple fact that companies that have invested in tailored software solutions to automate trade compliance are able to greatly improve the cycle times associated with compliance tasks that are traditionally performed manually. Tasks such as contract management, compliance requirements, document preparation & submission, reporting, rates and exception management can be automated through a single logstics platform . Automation in this area ensures an immediate and ongoing reduction the need for data entry duplication, boarder clearance delays at point of export or import and ensure deliveries are running on time and in full with lower costs. This cascades into creating a controlled environment and overheads plus increased customer satisfaction and staff retention A win win scenario for all!.
3. Mode of transport. Which is the best fit for you at the right price?
Historically its simple, the most cost effective mode to ship your product to port is by rail but due to geography and services available it is not always possible so the next best option is road. In regards to international shipping ocean freight is the best option for cost compared to air freight. With both modes consolidation is king to reduce your uint costs. No matter the mode of delivery, always get a minimum of 3 quotes and ensure you have confirmed equipment & space availability plus transit times.
4. Currency. Avoid currency exchange losses
If you are being quoted and billed in a foreign currency you should pay in the same currency. This removes hidden costs and fee’s such as CAF (currency adjustment factors). Firstly be aware of them and secondly eliminate the issue and you have an immediate and ongoing positve impact on your cashflow and P&L results.
5. Improve Resource Productivity and Workflow
By using work flow reports your team can see on a daily basis their priorities, and manage their day accordingly. Through prioritizing their actions they will ensure your supply chain remains healthy and under control.
6. Create and manage KPIs
There is a saying, “What you cannot measure, you cannot improve.” This is true of all aspects of business, but probably none more so than International Supply Chain. By implementing automated KPIs you can benchmark not only your own productivity and performance levels but also that of your logistics partners as well.
Further information on BSM can be accessed by calling +61 2 9238 2007 or email